Prof. Donald Rugira-Kugonza
(PhD, MSc, MBA)

About Me

  • Professor

    I am a passionate animal scientist, currently a Professor of animal agriculture, apiculture, animal breeding and genetics at Makerere University. I get a rush from helping others succeed, a process catalyst, a mountaineer, science mentor and a change agent.

    Am highly motivated and result-driven, with 20 years of teaching, and collaborative research engagement (28 grants, 63 journal papers, 59 conference papers, 3 books, 185 collaborating scientists) focused on optimizing agricultural productivity through performance improvement of a wide array of several African Animal Genetic Resources.

  • Animal Scientist

    I have extensively researched on, published on and farmed pigs, goats, cattle and various poultry species; as well as possess international expertise in livestock breeding, genetics and apiculture. I have strongly contributed to agricultural policy in East and Central Africa by collaborating very closely under various platforms with the Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in East and Central Africa (ASARECA).

    I won the 2019 Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Development of the Characterisation, Inventory and Monitoring Tool (AnGR-CIM-Tool) for Animal Genetic Resources of Africa under the patronage of the African Union Commission. In 2017, I won the Best Alumna Award for the Australia Africa Awards Course on Increasing the Development Impact of Agricultural Research (IDIAR). Recent fellowships won include: Evidence-informed Policymaking Fellowship by the European Commission (2018), Visiting Scientist Fellowship to Iowa State University, College of Agric. & Life Sciences (2017).

    I enjoy developing curricula that transform learners into doers and better citizens and have contributed to curricula for several tertiary education institutions in Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda. Am currently an Editor for Elsevier’s journal Scientific African; a sub-Editor for the South African Journal of Animal Sciences as well as being an assiduous reviewer for several high impact journals in the discipline of Animal Science and Production.

  • Jack of All Trades

    I am a jack of all trades. Monarchist-Republican-Democrat-Capitalist-Socialist-Christian-Pro.ecumenism; Let me explain in a few words: I am ruled by a king, Om. Solomon Gafabusa Iguru of Bunyoro (where I originate from) but also pay allegiance to the Kabaka of Buganda (where I live most of the time in the city, (hence Monarchist), my grandfather - Seezi Rugira was a County Chief and his brother - Samuel Byarufu was a County Chief too (monarchism flows in the veins too).

    I believe also in people determining their destiny as in being a republic, I don’t really like absolute monarchies (hence a Republican). I believe in democracies, have no hope in dictators, even in my classes where I would be a small king, I ask my students to decide almost everything, I only dictate when they fail to agree (hence a true Democrat);

    I believe those who work harder should enjoy the benefits that come with it (some good degree of Capitalism), though I don’t believe in throwing away food, hoarding knowledge, by-passing a beggar and homeless without helping (a Socialist of sorts).

    I believe in God, though I know that other deities exist and do have some power (an ardent Christian therefore). I believe all world religions can converge, I have a problem with sects of Christians that spent time pulling each other down instead of promoting God, his Son, and the trinity (hence Pro-ecumenism). I know that of the three leading religions of the world, one promoted monogamy but bans alcohol, another promoted polygamy but bans alcohol, and a third one allows alcohol but bans marriage.


  • 5 Recent Grants

    • Austrian Development Cooperation + Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education and Research for Development (APPEAR Preparatory Funding) - Finding the silver piglet: Best types of pigs for smallholder, medium size and commercial pig farms in Uganda – SilverPiglet –
    • African Union Commission - AURG-II/2/2018 - Marker-assisted Breeding of Selected Native Chickens in Mozambique and Uganda - Native Chicken project.
    • GoU & Makerere University Research and Innovation Fund 2020 - MAK RIF2/CHUSS/015 - Reversing under-five child malnutrition: multidisciplinary innovations to improve free-range chicken production and consumption.
    • International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) - CRP001113 - Improving Pig Productivity and Incomes through an Environmentally Sustainable and Gender Inclusive Integrated Intervention Package.
    • European Union & Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation - LEAP-AGRI-326 - Genetic Characterization of Cattle Populations for Optimized Performance in African Ecosystems (OPTIBOV).

  • 5 Recent Publications

    • Murera, A., Marco, V. & Kugonza, D.R. 2021. Assessment of the adoption of recommended fishing practices of Limnothrissa miodon (Tanganyika sardine) in Lake Kivu. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture 13(1): 1-14. 2020
    • Kugonza, D.R. 2020. Africa under attack: a continent-wide mapping of pathogens, parasites and predators afflicting the hived honey bee Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae). African Journal of Rural Development 5(2): 1-27.
    • Kugonza, D.R., Kayitesi, A., Nakkazi, C., Okot, M.W. and Mulindwa, H. Local chicken production in Uganda: Breeding practices and flock productivity. In: Mensah, S., Tusiime, G and Adipala, E. (Eds.). RUFORUM Working Document Series, No. 18.
    • Kugonza, D.R., Kayitesi, A., Nakkazi, C., Okot, M.W. and Mulindwa, H. Performance of Kuroiler and local Ugandan chickens reared under extensive and intensive management systems: Carcass and Meads.). RUFORUM Working Document Series, No. 18.

  • 5 Recent Awards & Recognition

    • Certificate of Recognition, Facilitator for the Research Writing in the Sciences 6-week International Course by AuthorAID-INASP 2021
    • Recognition Plaque for Outstanding Contribution to Development of Animal Genetic Resources CIM tool for Africa, African Union Commission 2019
    • Evidence-informed Policymaking Seminar Fellowship, European Commission 2018
    • Australia Africa Universities Network and Australia Africa Award Fellowship 2018
    • Visiting Scientist, Iowa State University, College of Agric. and Life Sciences 2017

  • All Research via ORCID

    Click on an Article Tag in the animated tag cloud above to quickly jump to an article tagged #N@YEAR; meaning article #N published in year YEAR.


  • Makerere University

    Professor, Makerere University,
    Dept. of Agricultural Production


    Department of Agricultural Production
    (+256) 414-532-269
    School of Agriculture Building
    (+256) 782-874-551
    College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
    (+256) 750-874-550

    Post Office:
    Makerere University,
    P.O. Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda